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Golachab (Burners with Fire) is the Qliphoth corresponding to the Sephirot Geburah on the kabbalistic tree of life.


The demons associated with it are of enormous black heads like a volcano in eruption.


"Geburah is a going forth in power to rule in strength. The order of Golab is composed of those who burn to do destruction --- even on themselves. The outer form is Usiel, 'The Ruins of God'."

Geburah is the sephirot of Restaint, which takes away that which is unnecessary in the cosmos, destroys the wicked, fights evil and injustice, and maintains an equilibrium with Chesed, Lovingkindness. However, it is obvious to see that when this force is out of balance, it becomes too destructive, and burns that which shouldn't be burned. While the Klipot of Chesed may represent unbridled conservatism, Golachab represents unbridled radicalism and tyranny, that brooks no opposition, and executes all its opponents.


"This name is half Hebrew and half Latin. Asmodeus is often mentioned in the literature of demonology. The name can also be translated as 'The one adorned with fire'."


Notes on the Demonic Orders (Adverse Sephiroth) in Magical Correspondences by Bill Heidrick.