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Monstropedia Categories

A proposed first taxonomy

A multi-faceted taxonomy

The limitations of a purely hierarchical taxonomy model have been recognised for many years in academic and information science circles. Consequently, there has been considerable interest in taxonomy structures that offer a more flexible view of how information can be categorised for general use: these alternative approaches are often referred to as faceted, multidimensional or relational taxonomies. The MediaWiki concept is the best tool at our disposal to meet such requirements.

Multi-faceted taxonomies enable the user to navigate through a number of facets of a taxonomy (for example, by culture, shape, element author or creator). They also allow the different facets to be cross-referenced to narrow or widen a search as the user browses the categories (for example, it will be possible to browse and select monsters by a combination of shape, culture and age on Monstropedia).

The following categories are just a first draft and can be rearranged if needed . Any testing or refining stages during the project need to include feedback from editors and users. This will avoid the danger of users having a different perspective on what should belong in which category and therefore not being able to find information. Useless is a taxonomy that makes sense only to the project team and departmental managers, but is illogical in the eyes of the users.

On top of the below-listed creatures’ categories, there will be cross-categories as follows: Mythology, Science, Magic, Art, and Organizations.

The categories

Fabulous beasts, legendary creatures and mythology deities

  • Creatures and monsters from mythology and folklore.
  • Fairy is a subcategory of creatures mainly drawn from the scoto-celtic culture or humanoid races that may exist on our plan but hidden or extinct (subterraneans, ... ).
  • Animen, humans morphing into animals and monstrous totemic animals.


  • Ghosts, spirits from deceased, spectral entities, paranormal infection and other hauntings.
  • Demons that are supposed to be summoned on Earth as well as (guardian) angels from the world mythologies and religions.

Crypto creatures

  • Animal species that are supposed to exist but remain elusive.
  • Dinosaurs.
  • Monstrous animals.


Extraterrestrial humanoid races that may exist but remain elusive.

Classic monsters

  • Archetypal popular monsters: vampire, werewolf, zombie, mummy, ....
  • Man-created monsters immortalized by litterature or cinema : Godzilla, Frankenstein, Jekyll and Hyde, Dracula, ....

These categories will be visible later

Artificial creatures

  • Man-made monsters of mechanical or alchemical origins. Related to magic, witchcraft, art and sciences.
  • Robots and mechanoids
  • Genetically-engineered monsters

Monsters from modern mythologies

All that do not fit in the other categories: Star Wars, Dungeons and dragons, Magic, Harry Potter, .....

It is also a good means to correct some big mistakes carried by those authors/firms about the true monsters archetypes !

Human monsters

Abnormal and abmoral human beings

  • Freaks, mutants.
  • People having ESP powers.
  • Serial killers.
  • Witches


not all the section will be opened from the beginning, we shall concentrate our work on the following categories :

Mythology and legends, spirits because it is the base of everything else.